Diplomatic Office of Belgium in Kosovo
Home Consular services Criminal record

Criminal record

If you live abroad and wish to obtain a Belgian copy of a criminal record ("extrait de casier judiciaire" / "uittreksel uit het strafregister"), you need to send a personal and written request by post or fax to:

Federal Public Service Justice 
Service du Casier judiciaire central 
Boulevard de waterloo 80 
1000 Brussels - Belgium 
by email via cjc-csr@just.fgov.be of info@just.fgov.be

+32 (0)2.552.27.47 (information in French) 
+32 (0)2.552.27.48 (information in Dutch)

a) If you live abroad and wish to obtain a Belgian copy of a criminal record ("extrait de casier judiciaire" / "uittreksel uit het strafregister"), you need to send a personal and written request by post or fax to:

Fax: +32 (0)2.552.27.82

You must sign the request and include your surname, first name(s), date and place of birth, address and the reason for the request. It is preferable, but not mandatory, to attach a copy of your identity card or passport. FPS Justice will supply a copy of the record free of charge.

b) If you wish to obtain a copy of a criminal record for a period of time during which you lived abroad, you need to contact directly the authorities of the country where you lived.

Some authorities might charge a fee for issuing that document.